Art Jameel takes a combined approach to learning and research: our education programmes begin at primary age and continue through to post-graduate level, while our research mandate is equally broad, and reflects our work in heritage and restoration through to the arts histories of the Gulf and beyond.
Art in Schools’ pilot project included introducing modules for teaching art in Saudi Arabia, working with the Ministry of Education; these programmes are now being developed further through 2017-18. The Jameel Houses of Traditional Arts in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Scotland provide opportunities for students to gain formal diplomas as well as informal courses for the community-at-large.
The Art Jameel Photography Award ran from 2010 to 2014, raising awareness of image-making in both documentary and as an art-form. In 2017, Photography Jameel moves into a new phase, aiming to support the grassroots photographic community in Saudi Arabia.
Through 2017-18, and in the lead-up to the opening of the arts centres, Art Jameel is deepening its interest in research, especially regarding the cultural and arts histories of the Gulf region.