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Anhar: Culture and Climate Platform

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


‣ Does the Anhar programme have any restrictions on the nationality of applicants? 

Tier 1 applicants must be based in one of the following countries (as a National or long-term Resident) at the time of application: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen

Please note that creative practitioners looking to apply to Tier 1 from the United Arab Emirates are advised to apply for the Art Jameel Research and Practice Platform supported by Dubai Culture which runs parallel to Anhar and is specifically designed for the UAE

Organisations applying for Tier 2 must be registered in one of the countries eligible for British Council MENA Region programmes (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen)

For the collaborative Tier 3 programme, Individuals who are resident in, or MENA organisations registered in, the eligible countries jointly with organisations based in the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

Eligible MENA countries are (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen)

‣ What types of projects is the program specifically seeking to support?

For Tier 1 we are hoping for projects or programmes that raise awareness of the climate emergency within their community and region. Examples include site-specific interventions, public programmes, exhibitions, a programme for schools, content that is part of a community festival, etc.

For Tier 2 we are looking to support cultural organisations who are seeking to reduce their carbon footprint through the development and/or implementation of a decarbonisation strategy. Examples include conducting carbon emission audits, purchasing solar panels, developing green spaces, developing carbon measurement frameworks, recycling schemes, attending training, translation and dissemination of existing toolkits and resources into a local language, etc.

For Tier 3 we are looking to support innovative, multidisciplinary collaborations across the arts and beyond. For example– bringing together ecologists, city planners, engineers, artists, designers, architects, writers, educators, technologists, thought leaders, scientists and others to develop a meaningful collaborative project. We are particularly interested in collaborations between individuals and organisations who may not traditionally work together, from across the MENA Region and the UK. 

‣ Does my proposed project need to directly address the climate crisis, or is it sufficient if it relates to the theme through production and materials?

Yes, your proposed project should directly address the climate crisis. While it’s highly valuable and appreciated if your project relates to the theme through production and materials, it’s essential that your project actively engages with and contributes to addressing the climate crisis itself. Applicants are encouraged to prioritise sustainable practices in their proposals, aiming to minimise environmental impact and work toward carbon neutrality. Projects that align closely with these goals will be highly regarded during the selection process.

‣ I represent a cultural organisation in an eligible country and wish to reduce my carbon footprint, but I am uncertain about where to begin. Can I still apply for the program?

Yes, organisations can apply for funds to conduct studies to better inform their decarbonisation strategy and activities. 

‣ Can I submit more than one application?

Organisations can be involved in more than one application – however, we are unlikely to fund the same organisation more than once.

An independent organisation, based in an eligible MENA country, is potentially eligible to apply for both a Tier 2 infrastructure grant, AND to be a consortium partner in a Tier 3 application. The applications will be assessed separately, and the lead partner in each will be required to provide information in full about the proposed programme of activity.  

‣ When do applications for the Anhar programme close?

The deadline for submission is Monday, January 15, 2024 at midnight in your local time zone. 

‣ When will I hear if I am successful?

We will endeavour to inform all successful and unsuccessful applicants by March 2024. Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications we anticipate, we are unable to provide feedback to all applicants. We will host a post-open call webinar to discuss the common learnings we saw in applications, which will be open to all unsuccessful applicants.



‣ For Tier 3, can you connect MENA organisations with a UK partner to collaborate on our project?

For this open call, we are unable to provide support with connecting you to potential partners in the UK. Applicants will need to have partnerships in place when submitting applications. 

We are unable to share details of applicants with third parties due to UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

‣ For Tier 3, what if we want to partner with an individual/organisation in a country where there is poor digital connectivity?

We recognise that different countries and states have different levels of digital connectivity and this will be taken into consideration. Please specify any additional needs (such as signal boosters etc) in your budget allocations in the application form.

‣ Can the partner in an eligible country be a government organisation/agency?

Yes – individuals, organisations and networks from different sectors and disciplines are eligible to apply for these grants, as long as they respond to the creative brief and technical eligibility criteria. 

‣ Should the project activity be implemented in the UK or in one or more of the eligible countries or both?

Lead applicants for partnership projects must be based in either a MENA country on our list, or in one of the four nations of the UK. The activity can take place in various locations: for example, work could be produced in MENA and showcased at a UK venue or festival; or it could be showcased and tour in the MENA region with UK participation; or it could be a co-production between partners in the UK and MENA. In all cases we expect the local and regional MENA outcomes from doing the activity to be clearly stated in the application, and proposals will be assessed against this.

‣ How do we sign up to the special ‘Advice Surgeries’ available for Tier 3 applicants on Wednesday October 18, 2023 and Wednesday November 15, 2023? 

Advice surgeries for Tier 3 applicants will take place on Wednesday October 18, 2023 (9:00 am GMT/1:00 pm GST) and Wednesday November 15, 2023 (10:00 am GMT/2:00 pm GST). Applicants can sign up to either date by sending an email to ccp@artjameel.org to book a slot.


Q&A Session: Anhar: Culture and Climate Platform – Tier 3 UK-MENA Creative Commissions

(Wednesday 18 October 2023)

  • Scale and Partnerships:

(Is there the possibility to include a third party or a fourth party in the partnership?)

  • Multidisciplinary proposals can involve up to 4/5 partners.
  • Partnerships should not be forced; they should naturally arise from the project’s needs.
  • Partners are organizations directly involved in project design, while stakeholders are not considered partners for the application, although we welcome projects that are aimed at broader groups of defined stakeholders.
  • Each collaborating partner should provide a Letter of Support outlining their roles in the project and acknowledgement of the Lead Partner being the representative leading on contracting and financing.
  1.     Existing Initiatives and Additional Funding:

(Can Anhar fund an already existing initiative that is being supported by another funder?)

  • Anhar cannot fund work that is already being accounted for by another funder, but match funding for specific elements of the project is a way of extending the scale of your activity.
  • The grants could cover projects that have already been piloted or tested (‘proof of concept’) and are ready to be implemented or expanded.
  • We are also interested in new projects that are still in the research and design phase.
  1.     Funding and Alternative Energy: (the question concerned Tier 2 applications, which are eligible for MENA-based organisations only, but the wider concepts are relevant to Tier 3)

(Can the grant help with experimenting alternative energy resources (kinetic, win-p etc…)?)

  • Funds can be used for studies and trials related to alternative energy resources.
  • Applicants can apply to complete specific phases, not necessarily the entire project.
  • Tier 2 funding is specifically aimed at organisations wishing to improve their ecological footprint, which can cover different areas, for example energy and fuel sources, materials and infrastructure, waste, recycling, even menus.  
  • The scientific side of this is very wide and complex – so we intend to include scientific advisors in the Tier 2 selection as needed to ensure the integrity of the proposed activities.
  1.     Requested Amount and Assessment:

(If we apply for an amount – is it the case that applicants will receive either the full amount requested or no grant at all?)

  • Applications will be evaluated based on the requested amount and the provided budget breakdown.
  • The applied amount should align with the project’s scale and the nature of the collaboration.
  • The proposed budget should be led by the activity and project that you want to implement, and estimated budget lines should be proportionate and in line with your expected outcomes. 
  1.     Staffing Costs:

(What is the percentage of staff costs allowed by the fund?)

  • There isn’t a hard and fast rule regarding contributions to core costs, however we recommend no more than approximately 20% of the grant to be allocated towards staff costs. If contracting a Project Manager is necessary for you to be able to deliver the activity, you must make this case clearly in the application.
  1.     Reporting Guidelines

(What will we be required to report on?)

  • The British Council is publicly funded and we have a legal duty to report on impact and expenditure across all our activity, including partnership programmes like Anhar.
  •  Detailed reporting guidelines, making this process as simple as possible, will be shared with successful applicants, covering obligations to stakeholders and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  1.     Support for Conflict-Affected Regions:

(Many organisations are currently deeply affected by the sudden escalation of the Hamas/Israel conflict. Would the Fund still be available to applicants from this region?)

  • Despite ongoing conflicts, at this time support for organisations in affected regions remains available as advertised.
  • We are keeping the situation under constant review and if any accommodations need to be made, this will be communicated through all our public channels as soon as any decisions are made.
  1.     Broad Perspectives on Climate:

(May we look at climate through a broader lens? What if in our region we would wish to explore political impacts?)

  • The grant allows exploration of climate issues from regional and local perspectives. If climate-related themes intersect with socio-political impacts, applicants are encouraged to address these intersections in their proposals.
  1.     Carbon Emissions and Offset Measures:

(Would you want to see some form of offsetting of carbon emissions, and if so, do you have any suggestions as to how to achieve that?)

  •  Carbon offsetting is not a judging criterion. If essential for the project, flying individuals over does not require offsetting efforts.

 Applicants are recommended to explore resources such as the Julie’s Bicycle Open Resource website and reflect their level of knowledge and self-assessment in their statements.